Why Olympic Skiing is Just Like Building a New House or Extension
After a few weeks of elite alpine competition, the Beijing Winter Olympics has finally come to an end. At Mode HQ, we found some of it quite mesmerising; addictive even – particularly the skiing. The thought of being at the top of a mountain and having to get down it, quicker than anyone else, scared the hell out of us.
At first.
But then it dawned on us: there are many similarities between an Olympic skier and what we do, as house and extension builders in Cheshire and South Manchester.
Even from here, I can sense eyebrows being raised. Well, let’s run through it:
An Olympic skier doesn’t start on the most difficult slopes. At one stage, everything was new to them. But they practiced, practiced, practiced until they became elite.
We’ve been building houses and extensions for 15 years at Mode and have developed a wide range of design and construction experience, across ever increasingly complex projects. We’re now amongst the best in the UK.
An Olympic skier still has to go through trials to qualify for their national team.
At Mode, we have to demonstrate to our client, that we can unquestionably meet their criteria based on price, schedule, proposal and service level, in order to qualify for their project.
The Olympic skier focusses on the process at all times. The result (the time) is just a by-product of executing the process as efficiently and effectively as possible.
At Mode, we rigorously plan and resolutely stick to it, regarding materials, labour and what happens by when. Timings may vary slightly, but the plan is the plan.
An Olympic skier reaches speeds of 80-90mph whilst throwing in dozens of sharp turns. It can often look like they’re out of control. The reality is, they are very much in control.
When building a new house or extension, part way through the project, it may look in turmoil with some parts incomplete and others paused. This is known as the ‘messy middle’. The stage when the project looks at its worse and out of control. But it’s not. It’s just that different phases move at different speeds.
The Olympic skier constantly analyses their own performances. What could be improved? What went well?
At Mode, we constantly monitor budgets and time plans and have frequent status reviews with our clients. We monitor delivery against expectation – ie the plan.
An Olympic skier must be able to manage the pressure of adapting to variable conditions such as temperature changes, different snow types and slight injuries.
You’ll find Mode very solution-focussed when it comes to addressing unexpected challenges. The truth is, unexpected challenges are to be expected. It’s just that no-one knows when to expect them.
After all the hard work, the best of the Olympic skiers get to celebrate at the end by climbing the podium, claiming a medal and their place in the history books.
After all the hard work, at Mode, we get to celebrate with the client by handing over their completed project, giving them the family and entertainment spaces with which to create history, for years to come.
So, if you’re looking for an elite performing new house or extension builder in Cheshire or South Manchester, get in touch with our founder and MD, Brendan on brendan.dooley@mode-projects.co.uk.
Although, if you’re looking for tips on how to become an Olympic skier, respectfully, Brendan’s not your man!